If you don't see your location represented here, please do contact us directly! Just CLICK for all the ways we can be reached!CALIFORNIA:Kristina Kase: Orange County/South Bay; kkaseoc@gmail.com; 714-914-8299Barbara Langel: San Luis Obispo, Carmel, Monterey; barbaralangel@comcast.net; 831-594-6699HAWAII:Ann Otani: All Islands; aotani1@outlook.com; 808-778-5405IDAHO: Pegan Cook: SERVING SOUTHERN IDAHO peganvc@gmail.com ; c) 208-731-5554; f) 208-734-8692 Kristen Miletich: SERVING NORTHERN IDAHO kristenmiletich@msn.com ;c)208-866-3836, f) 866-914-7704MONTANA:Cheri Kirk, STS Salescherikirk@hotmail.com; p)406-420-2742; c) 406-425-1033; f) 877-828-0980